A day in the life
It's been a while since I have written a new post. I've been very occupied with the renovations of our new home, which took way more time, energy and money than we've expected. And I am also struggling with some health issues, so I have to take it slow and put all the plans that I have on a very low pace. But I have read somewhere about people who are suffering from burn-out like problems that it's very important to keep doing things that inspire you and make you happy. So I've decided that, besides my daily meditation and yoga routine I also need to pick up my creative work again and blog more often about my life in general.
So here is the first issue about our new life in our beautiful new home. Now it's time to enjoy all the hard labour and finally I can start with my favorite part of the renovation adventure: decorating the house!
A cozy setting in our living room. The little cupboard belonged to my grandmother and it fits wonderfully well in here.
I am so happy with the white metro tiles on the wall.
Every day we try to go out for a walk in our new neighborhood.
Father and son, two pretty boys.
Oskar's shoe placed by the chimney for Sinterklaas. Alright, I admit, Jonathan's shoe and mine are there as well, we also are in desperate need for some chocolate after all the stress we have experienced.
While Oskar took his nap I made my first drawing after a very long time.