One sketch a day, week one

I've been living with CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) for almost ten(!) years now. It is a daily challenge for me to keep myself as healthy as possible by doing yoga, meditation and follow a healthy diet. During the years I've noticed that making things has a very positive influence on me. So I thought making one drawing a day would be an excellent addition to my health program : ).

Also, it is a daily reminder for me to keep busy, trying new drawing techniques and draw new things. And last but not least, it's a great way to remember things. Let's see how long I will last!

1. Went shopping with my best friend and Oskar. / 2. Bbq in our garden with friends. / 3. Oskars first chair!. / 4. A healthy breakfast with fresh strawberries.


One sketch a day, week two


The Door 04/07