Our first wedding anniversary!
Our first wedding anniversary was exactly a week ago. I remember our day as a hectic, but also very enjoyable time. It was a selfmade wedding, because our budget was tight and we wanted it to be a more bohemian event, with lots of selfmade decoration, food, an alternative ceremony and a spontaneous atmosphere. Thanks to all of our dear friends who helped us to build our dream wedding it was a day to never forget!
I designed my own dress and because I was pregnant and did not know how huge I was going to be, I was only able to start a few weeks prior to the wedding. Completing my dress only a few hours for the ceremony put more than a little pressure on me.
...and of course my bridesmaid had to help.
I even needed my two bridesmaids to iron the damn thing! What a fuss!
One bridesmaid was very stressed, because she knew the surprise my husband-to-be had for me...
...would interfere with the surprise that I had for my husband-to-be.
He rented a Citoën Ds to pick us up...
And I planned to arrive on a rebuild tractor with an extra long sash, on the tunes of 'J'arrive' from Jaques Brel. So my dear bridesmaid had to plan an elegant solution for this situation. Afterall it went well. In the midlle of our route we changed from comfy Citroën to superslow, bumpy -but very entertaining- tracktor. The Citroën arrived first at the party, with only a bunny in it. Many people told me afterwise I've should have seen the look on Jonathan's face when he realized I wasn't in it! I think he was very relieved when he saw me coming on this silly vehicle.
It was a surprising arrival and it was perfectly in tune with our farm wedding.
My hart jumped up when I saw my fiance standing there waiting for me. And I was pleasantly surprised that he wore a hat, because I got to know him that way.
Husband and wife.
Some goofing around with our talented photographer Jonas Vincken from Iso 800.
The program of the day.
I stamped out these bunny-confetties one by one, I think I've made over a thousand of them!
Handmade flowers as a thank you gift. They were made by Maha, who did an incredible job to help us with all our creative ideas!
Bbq in the field.
Look at his face, look at my face. Not very elegant, you think?
Now look again. Some improvement right? Well, at least for me :). These are by far our most favorite pictures. So funny.
The evening party has started!
Why don't we do it in the road of The Beatles, performed by Jonathan and the band of my brother.
A funny game created by our friends.
And finally, my favorite part of the evening: our first dance to the tunes of The Tallest Man on Earth's Thrown right at me, covered by Jonathan, Anneleen, Kasper & Christophe.
Crying my heart out to one of the most romantic moments in my life.